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Congratulations! Dhruv Gupta & Kartik Garg , PGDM Batch (2022-24)

We are proud to announce that Dhruv Gupta & Kartik Garg , PGDM Batch (2022-24) students have secured 2nd Position in PRASTUTI : B-School Student's Case Study Analysis Competition on 17-19 Nov 2022 on the theme: Leadership, Governance And Innovation, held by IIM NAGPUR and Dr. PRITAM SINGH FOUNDATION in hybrid mode.. They have won Rs 75000/- plus internship/ Live project offer.  

There were 244 teams from different B schools in PAN India participated for Round 1. Out of which 10 teams were selected for the final round.

Our congratulations go out to the winners for demonstrating their acumen on such a big forum.  