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JIMS, Rohini Gender Championship Club organised ‘Brush n Brain’ A Book Cover Design Competition


1.To prepare students understand the prevalent social issues in our society.
2.To make them understand how they can achieve Gender Empowerment.
3.To help them showcase their awareness in the form of art.

On October 18th 2022, the Gender Championship Club of JIMS Rohini organized a book cover design competition on a social issue. The event took place on the centre stage where total 60 teams took part. The event was judged by Mr. Himanshu Goel, Assistant Professor, PGDM, JIMS Rohini. The first three winners got trophies and prize winning certificates. First ten best posters were given position certificates, participation /appreciation certificates were presented to the rest of the students. The best poster awarded the first position was be selected for the upcoming JIMS newsletter cover.

JIMS Rohini
JIMS Rohini

Learning Outcomes:

1.The students learnt various social issues prevalent in society
2.Students learnt how to express their awareness in form of art and how to curb these social issues.

PGDM JIMS Rohini, Delhi
