
Bachelor of Arts Economics(H)

Communication Lab

Communication serves as the foundation of every facet of a business. It has become the most important soft skill needed for all employees. The importance of the language laboratory has been felt in the arena of communication. Thereby, the language laboratory helps students in the acquisition and maintenance of oral and written proficiency. It helps one to learn the accent, voice modulation, pronunciation, stress, and all other aspects of the phonetics of the language.

The formation of the Report is as follows:




Proposal-Language lab


Details of communication lab at JIMS


Syllabus- English Language Communication Skills Lab


Language lab software is designed to teach students English language skills. The language Lab focuses on computer-aided multi-media instruction and language acquisition .The language lab consists of various components that help in the smooth functioning of the software. The lab would help students learn on their own pace with a variety of self-instructional mode. The students will be able to learn and improve correct pronunciation of words and will be acquainted to face interviews, group discussions, and public speaking. Looking at aforesaid ground realities, Jagan Institute of Management Studies puts forth the proposal to initiate the language lab in the campus. As it is our realization that the desired results and the envisioned objectives of the programmes can be achieved only when the training is imparted keeping in mind the need of effective communication.


A vast pull of professionals with sound communication skills is required in the changing global scenario.  No university or Institute can meet this demand unless the conventional methods are subdued for training students for language, communication and professional skill. This situation has led to an investment in Language laboratories with the use of high-tech audio visual aid.

Interactive computer network will allow students to evaluate their learning without the risk of being punished for being wrong. Computer-assisted language learning can reduce the anxiety of students and turns out to be a positive side of learning. Information Technology has broken the barriers and the students get all that they need just on the click of the mouse.

Establishing the Language Lab has become the need of an hour as it is an efficient and resourceful tool for imparting language trainings especially pronunciation.  It can be used for conducting various activity based programmes for generating constructive results.


With the growing competition, it has become crucial to meet the requirements of the current demand for the English Language. Without gaining the command over the language one cannot represent oneself. Hence, the benefits of the Language Lab can be identified below:

  1. Language lab is a platform which gives students an opportunity to learn with digital tools.
  2. Highly effective software can be used teachers to monitor students’ activities remotely which provides total control for the teachers.
  3. Voice recording facility for exercises and text can help students record their own voice and assess themselves on their own.
  4. A teacher will be able to create and conduct online examination and generate a report.
  5. Make language skills, PD training and other eLearning facilities available to students at their own convenience.
  6. From Basic to advance level training can be given in language lab software.
  7. It will help to confidence to carry out a simple conversation.
  8. It will help to conduct a focused discussion.
  9. It would help students to be attentive, alert and a careful listener.
  10. They would learn to disagree on an issue, firmly but politely.



  • Number: 60 students
  • Systems: 60 computers
  • One master console: Microprocessor-based dialling/switching panel with headphones/mike.
  • Connectivity to ext. audio devices (VCD player/PC/VHS player)
  • Student’s Console Units- 60
  • Computer network with LAN with minimum 60 multimedia systems with the following specifications: i) P –IV Processor a) Speed –2.8 GHZ b) RAM –512 MB Minimum c) Hard Disk –80GB
  • Speakers and Headphones of High quality - 60
  • Projector
  • Movable chairs and tables
  • Intercom switches which are used for the two-way communication process. The teacher pronounces a word and asks students to pronounce it in the same accent.
  • Digital Boards
  • Audio-visual aids with a Public Address System, a T. V., a digital stereo –audio & video system and a camcorder.
  • Modern Language Lab software: Mythware, FluentU, ReLANpro



The language Lab can help students to craft a command of the English Language so that they have a cutting edge over others in their professional life.  By imbibing appropriate use of language the students will be in a situation to work as an individual and as a leader in diverse teams. Learning with precision through computer-assisted individualized and independent language learning can help in improved conversational reception and articulation techniques in the course of repetitive instruction thereby gaining confidence both in institutional and professional environments.




Details of Communication lab at JIMS


Keeping the above in view, the communication language lab at JIMS is equipped with the below:

Master Console

This is the master equipment with which the instructor can control the operations of the Language Lab system. It consists of -

  • Microprocessor-based switching panel with headphones/mike.
  • Independent display for requests registering from each student.


Students Unit

This is the piece of equipment that comes with headphones attached to the microphone. One unit is meant for one student.


User-friendly, features laden & attractive appearance furniture.

LAN – The language lab system works on local area networking. The systems are connected through local area networks or audio cabling for the smooth running of the software. LAN connection allows the teacher to see the computer screen of all the students and access them.

Language learning websites: It is imperative to make use of open sources to learn and comprehend the meaning of the available online resources. The following websites are used to train the students to become more fluent.

Summer Training

Language lab set-up

Summer Training

Students unit at language lab

Summer Training

Students using technology to learn accent, voice modulation, pronunciation, stress, and all other aspects of the phonetics of the language

Summer Training

Students using technology to learn accent, voice modulation, pronunciation, stress, and all other aspects of the phonetics of the language



The English Language Communication Skills (ELCS) Lab focuses on the use of everyday English and familiarizes the students with the use of English in everyday situations both in personal and professional front.

Course Objectives:

  • To help students improve their accent and pronunciation of English by providing an opportunity for practice in speaking.
  • To improve the fluency of students in spoken English
  • To train students speak effectively by practicing through public speaking, group discussions and

Course Outcomes:

Students will be able to attain:

  • Better understanding of English by group activities
  • Improvisation in accent by preparing for corporate world.
  • Listening and speaking skills with clarity and confidence to improve employability

Students should be given practice in listening to the sounds of the language, to be able to recognize them and find the distinction between different sounds, to be able to mark stress and recognize and use the right intonation in sentence.

The following course content is prescribed for the English Language Communication Skills Lab.


Understand: Listening Skill- Its importance – Purpose- Process- Types- Barriers- Effective Listening.

Practice: Introduction to Phonetics – Speech Sounds – Vowels and Consonants – Minimal Pairs- Consonant Clusters


Understand: Spoken vs. Written language- Formal and Informal English.

Practice: Ice-Breaking Activity and JAM Session- Situational Dialogues – Greetings – Taking Leave – Introducing Oneself and Others.


Understand: Group Discussion and tips for GD, Interview Skills

Practice: Mock Group Discussion, Mock Interviews


ICS Lab:

Understand: Features of Good Conversation – Strategies for Effective Communication.

Practice: Situational Dialogues – Role-Play- Expressions in Various Situations –Making Requests and Seeking Permissions - Telephone Etiquette.

Lab Manuals:

  • A book entitled ELCS Lab Manual A Workbook for CALL and ICS Lab Activities by Board of Editors: Hyderabad: Orient BlackSwan Ltd. 2016. Print.
  • Hart, Steve Nair, Aravind , Bhambhani, Veena. EMBARK-  English forundergraduates”  Delhi: Cambridge University Press. 2016. Print.


  • Jayashree Let Us Hear Them Speak. New Delhi: Sage Texts. 2015. Print. Hancock, M. English Pronunciation in Use. Intermediate Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2009. Print.
  • Soundararaj, Francis. 2012. Basics of Communication in English. New Delhi: Macmillan